
Lt. Colonel Tim Foley has been a follower of Jesus Christ since 1978. In 1982, he was commissioned as a Salvation Army Officer. In 1985, he married Salvation Army Officer Cindy Hill. Together over the years, they have served in Oxnard, CA, Maui, HI, Phoenix and Mesa, AZ, San Diego, San Francisco, and Alexandria, VA. They were the first administrators for The Salvation Army Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center, in San Diego, responsible for the startup operations for this arts, education, and recreation center. Besides Corps Officer appointments, they have served as Divisional Youth Leaders, Training Leaders for the College for Officer Training in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, and Divisional Leaders of the Golden State Division in California. He served as National Secretary for Program and Editor-in-Chief at National Headquarters in Alexandria, VA. He currently serves as Divisional Leader in the Northwest Division.

Tim has a background in theatre and has been trained professionally as an actor and stage manager. He has been an advocate for the fine arts and education throughout his entire service with The Salvation Army. He holds a masters degree in theology (Fuller Theological Seminary) and a doctorate in spiritual formation for ministry leaders (Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary). The Foleys have traveled and taught extensively in many places in the world. He enjoys writing and has written numerous articles for publication. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, participating in community theater, and collecting model trains. The Foley’s have three adult children and one grandson.